CORNELIUS, NC:  (704) 237-4735
CAPE MAY COUNTY, NJ:  (609) 729-0215 Client Login >
Business Clients

Entity Selection & Restructuring

Whether you are starting a new business or deciding to restructure, the PG&S team can help you choose the right entity type for your company’s unique needs.

We will help you factor in all the tax and liability considerations of each type of entity and help you choose one that will be most advantageous to you. As your company evolves, you may decide your entity is not right for your business. By carefully considering all the facets of your business, our accounting and advisory experts will make sure you have the best entity type for your business.

We can help you choose the right entity for your business. Contact us today.

PG&S Accountants and Advisors
{We’ve Got This}

Quick Links

- IRS Forms
- New Jersey Taxation Forms
- Social Security Forms
- Where Is My Federal Refund
- Where Is My NJ Tax Refund
- Financial Documents Timeline
- Mortgage Calculator

Contact Us

9700 Pacific Ave, Suite 102,
Wildwood Crest, NJ
Phone: (609) 729-0215

19440 Zion Ave 
Cornelius, NC
Phone: (704) 237-4735

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